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Title I

Title I is a federally-funded program that helps provide additional academic support to identified students.

The amount of Title I funding awarded to a school is determined by a financial formula which includes the number of students determined to be from low income households. Therefore, it is so important families who might qualify apply for the lunch program and complete annual census data collection. It helps bring in funding that benefits the entire school. This year, Merrimac Schools received enough funding to provide Title I support for grades k-6 for reading.

Students are selected for Title I services based upon the following criteria:

  • Beginning of the year reading assessments
  • End-of-year report card grades
  • Classroom teacher input
  • Parent input

Parents receive written notification if their child is selected for the Title I program. If parents agree to have their child receive services, the student meets with a Title I teacher for 30-40 minutes of individual or small group instruction 3-5 times per week. These sessions focus on strengthening basic skills, concepts and writing within the literacy content area. 

Title I Supplement Not Supplant Policy 2022

Title I Staff; 

Brent Conway, Title I Director

Title I Helpful Link:

Moby Max